DiscoverThe Megyn Kelly ShowABC's Bias, How Trump Could Have Played it, and Whether the Debate Sways Voters, with The Fifth Column Hosts | Ep. 885
ABC's Bias, How Trump Could Have Played it, and Whether the Debate Sways Voters, with The Fifth Column Hosts | Ep. 885

ABC's Bias, How Trump Could Have Played it, and Whether the Debate Sways Voters, with The Fifth Column Hosts | Ep. 885

Update: 2024-09-119


This podcast delves into the Kamala Harris-Donald Trump debate, dissecting the candidates' performances and the moderators' role. The panelists express strong criticism towards the moderators, accusing them of bias towards Kamala Harris, particularly in their fact-checking and lack of follow-up questions. They argue that the debate was not about the candidates but about the media's lack of objectivity. The discussion covers various aspects of the debate, including the impact of Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris, the candidates' use of hyperbole and fact-checking, and the focus group reactions to the debate. The panelists analyze Kamala Harris's performance, highlighting her strategic use of language and her attacks on Trump's record. They also discuss Trump's missed opportunities, his lack of discipline, and his tendency to get sidetracked by personal grievances. The podcast explores the dynamics of the Trump coalition and its resistance to elite discourse, arguing that the moderators' bias against Trump might further solidify his support among those who feel alienated by the media. The panelists also discuss the state of the media and its declining credibility, arguing that the media's bias and its failure to hold Kamala Harris accountable for her actions are contributing to a loss of trust among the public. The podcast concludes with a call to action for listeners to stay informed about the upcoming election and to engage with the content.


The Debate's Unfairness and the Media's Bias

The podcast begins with a critical analysis of the debate moderators, accusing them of bias towards Kamala Harris and failing to provide a fair platform for both candidates. The panelists argue that the debate was not about the candidates but about the media's lack of objectivity.

Analyzing the Candidates' Performances

The panelists discuss the debate performances of both candidates, focusing on Kamala Harris's lack of interviews and Donald Trump's failure to stay on message. They criticize the moderators for their biased fact-checking and lack of follow-up questions.

The Impact of Taylor Swift's Endorsement

The panelists discuss the impact of Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris, debating whether it will sway voters, particularly young people, and discussing the reactions of various figures to the news.

Fact-Checking, Crime Statistics, and Fashion

The discussion begins with a lighthearted comment about Jill Biden's fashion choices, followed by a serious discussion about crime statistics. Trump is praised for fact-checking the moderator and Kamala Harris, highlighting discrepancies in crime data and the lack of inclusion of major cities in certain reports.

Trump's Hyperbole and Kamala's Restraint

The conversation shifts to Trump's tendency to use hyperbole and apocalyptic language, contrasting it with Kamala Harris's more restrained approach. The panel discusses how Trump's over-the-top statements might dilute the impact of his valid points.

Analyzing Kamala's Performance and the Moderator's Role

The panel analyzes Kamala Harris's performance in the debate, focusing on her style and substance. They discuss her strategic use of language, particularly her accusation of lying against Trump, and the moderator's role in fact-checking.

The Unfairness of the Debate and Trump's Empathy

The discussion turns to the perceived unfairness of the debate, with the panel expressing empathy for Trump's situation. They argue that the moderators were biased against him and that the format was designed to humiliate him.

Trump's Missed Opportunities and Kamala's Lack of Trustworthiness

The panel discusses Trump's missed opportunities in the debate, suggesting he should have focused on Kamala Harris's lack of action while in office. They criticize her for making promises without delivering results and highlight the focus group's perception of her as a repeat of Biden's 2020 campaign.

The DNC Bump and Kamala's Ceiling

The conversation shifts to the potential impact of the debate on the election. The panel discusses the "DNC bump" phenomenon and how it might apply to Kamala Harris. They argue that while she might see a temporary boost, her ceiling is limited due to the moderators' bias and the lack of clear information about her policy changes.

The Trump Coalition and Elite Discourse

The panel explores the dynamics of the Trump coalition and its resistance to elite discourse. They argue that the moderators' bias against Trump might further solidify his support among those who feel alienated by the media.

Focus Group Reactions and Trump's Economic Record

The panel analyzes focus group reactions to the debate, highlighting the concerns of voters who felt Kamala Harris didn't adequately address their concerns about issues like fracking and healthcare. They also discuss the focus group's positive perception of Trump's economic record.

Republican Anger and Trump's Missed Opportunities

The panel discusses the anger among Republicans towards Trump for not seizing on certain opportunities in the debate. They argue that he should have focused on specific issues like immigration and the border, rather than getting sidetracked by other topics.

Trump's Lack of Discipline and Kamala's Style

The panel criticizes Trump's lack of discipline and his obsession with personal grievances. They acknowledge his focus on the economy and immigration but argue that his overall message was lost due to the chaotic nature of the debate. They also discuss Kamala Harris's performance, praising her discipline and style but questioning its effectiveness with male voters.

Kamala's Facial Expressions and Trump's Weakness

The panel discusses Kamala Harris's facial expressions and their potential impact on male voters. They argue that her demeanor might be perceived as condescending or disrespectful, which could alienate male voters. They also discuss Trump's perceived weakness and how it was highlighted by Harris's attacks.

The Moderators' Bias and Trump's Strategy

The panel discusses the moderators' bias towards Kamala Harris and how it affected the debate. They highlight the fact that the moderators only fact-checked Trump, while letting Harris's false statements go unchallenged. They also discuss Trump's strategy of going on the offensive and attacking the media.

Michael Steele's Assessment and Trump's Anger

The panel discusses Michael Steele's assessment of the debate, where he claims Kamala Harris "spanked" Trump. They analyze the implications of Trump's anger and how it might be perceived by voters.

Grading the Debate and Trump's Loss

The panel grades the debate, giving Kamala Harris a C or C- for her performance. They argue that Trump actually lost the debate due to his chaotic and undisciplined approach. They also discuss the moderators' role in the outcome.

The Race Question and Trump's Strategy

The panel discusses the question of race in the debate, specifically Trump's questioning of Kamala Harris's racial identity. They argue that while Trump's approach was likely not smart, it reflects the Democrats' constant focus on race and their use of identity politics.

The Grossness of Identity Politics and Trump's Mistakes

The panel criticizes the Democrats' use of identity politics and their focus on race. They argue that it is a gross way to assess candidates and that it undermines the seriousness of the issues. They also discuss Trump's mistakes in the debate, particularly his failure to effectively respond to Harris's attacks.

Kamala's Hypocrisy and Trump's Missed Opportunity

The panel discusses Kamala Harris's hypocrisy on the issue of race, highlighting her support for divisive policies like DEI initiatives. They argue that Trump missed an opportunity to expose her hypocrisy and hold her accountable for her actions.

The Mic Issue and Trump's Strategy

The panel discusses the issue of the mics being turned off during the debate and how it played out. They highlight Trump's use of the "I'm talking now" tactic, which he used to interrupt Harris. They also discuss the hypocrisy of the moderators in allowing Trump to do this, while criticizing him for it in the past.

Trump's Debate Strategy and Kamala's Selling Point

The panel discusses Trump's debate strategy and how it might have backfired. They argue that his focus on debating everything that has been said about him online might have alienated voters. They also discuss Kamala Harris's selling point, which they believe is her ability to present herself as a fresh alternative to Trump's chaotic style.

The Importance of Narrative and Trump's Failure

The panel discusses the importance of narrative in debates and how Trump failed to create a coherent one. They argue that his scattered approach and focus on irrelevant topics made it difficult for voters to connect with his message.

Trump's Strong Ending and His Debate Flaws

The panel acknowledges Trump's strong ending to the debate, where he focused on the economy and asked why Kamala Harris hadn't done more while in office. They argue that this approach could resonate with voters but that his overall performance was flawed due to his tendency to fall into traps and get sidetracked.

Trump's Attack on the Media and Kamala's Abortion Claims

The panel discusses Trump's strategy of attacking the media and how it might be effective. They also discuss Kamala Harris's claims about abortion and how they were challenged by a nurse who called out her medical misinformation.

Kamala's Hyperbole and Trump's Fact-Checking

The panel discusses Kamala Harris's use of hyperbole and her tendency to make sweeping claims about Trump. They contrast this with Trump's more factual approach and his willingness to fact-check her statements.

The Unfairness of the Debate and the Media's Bias

The panel reiterates their concerns about the unfairness of the debate and the moderators' bias towards Kamala Harris. They criticize the moderators for not fact-checking Harris's false statements and for pushing back on Trump's attempts to correct the record.

The State of the Media and the End Times

The panel discusses the state of the media and its declining credibility. They argue that the media's bias and its failure to hold Kamala Harris accountable for her actions are contributing to a loss of trust among the public.

The Failure of Identity Politics and the Media's Delusion

The panel discusses the failure of identity politics and how it has alienated voters across racial lines. They argue that the media is out of touch with the public's sentiment and that its continued focus on divisive issues is a mistake.

The Rise of Alternative Media and the Decline of Legacy Media

The panel discusses the rise of alternative media platforms and the decline of legacy media institutions. They argue that the public's loss of trust in traditional media is driving them to seek out alternative sources of information.

The Diminished Power of Legacy Media and the Future of Debates

The panel discusses the diminished power of legacy media institutions and how it affects their ability to influence elections. They argue that the media's influence is not as strong as it was in the past and that this creates both problems and opportunities. They also discuss the future of presidential debates and the need for a more fair and balanced format.

The Need for Independent Moderators and Trump's Strategy

The panel argues for the need for independent moderators in presidential debates, rather than allowing biased networks to control the format. They also discuss Trump's strategy of agreeing to debates, even when he knows they will be unfair, in order to reach a wider audience.

The Media's Tanking of the Debate and the Need for More Scrutiny

The panel criticizes the media for "tanking" the debate for Kamala Harris and for limiting her exposure to scrutiny. They argue that the media's bias is preventing voters from getting a full picture of her as a candidate.

The Need for More Debates and Trump's Strategy

The panel calls for more debates and more scrutiny of Kamala Harris as a candidate. They suggest that Trump should either choose independent moderators or agree to debates on more adversarial platforms like Fox News.

The End of the Show and a Call to Action

The show ends with a call to action for listeners to continue engaging with the content and to stay informed about the upcoming election.



The process of verifying the accuracy of information, often used in journalism and political discourse to ensure the truthfulness of claims and statements.


Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally, often used for emphasis or humor.

Identity Politics

A political approach that emphasizes the shared experiences and interests of groups based on their identity, such as race, gender, or sexual orientation.

DNC Bump

A temporary increase in support for a political candidate or party following a major event, such as a national convention.

Elite Discourse

The dominant or prevailing way of thinking and talking about a particular topic within a specific social or political group.


Individuals who facilitate discussions or debates, ensuring that participants follow rules and guidelines.

Focus Groups

Small groups of people selected to provide feedback on a particular topic or product, often used in market research and political campaigns.


A story or account of events, often used in political discourse to frame issues and persuade audiences.

Medical Misinformation

False or inaccurate information about health, medicine, or medical practices, which can be harmful to individuals and public health.

Alternative Media

Media outlets that operate outside of the mainstream media, often with a different perspective or agenda.

Legacy Media

Traditional media institutions, such as newspapers, television networks, and radio stations, that have been established for a long time.


  • What are the key criticisms of the debate moderators on ABC?

    The panelists criticize the moderators for their biased fact-checking, lack of follow-up questions, and failure to challenge Kamala Harris on her inconsistencies. They argue that the moderators were not impartial and instead favored one candidate over the other.

  • How did Donald Trump perform in the debate, and what could he have done differently?

    The panelists agree that Trump did not perform well, failing to stay on message and effectively counter Kamala Harris' attacks. They suggest he should have been more disciplined, focused on his own message, and challenged the moderators' bias.

  • What is the significance of Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris?

    The panelists debate whether Taylor Swift's endorsement will sway voters, particularly young people. They discuss the potential impact on the election and the reactions of various figures to the news.

  • What were the main points of contention in the debate between Trump and Kamala Harris?

    The debate focused on issues like crime statistics, the economy, immigration, and abortion. Trump challenged the accuracy of crime data presented by the moderators and Harris, while Harris attacked Trump's record on various issues and accused him of promoting divisive policies.

  • How did the moderators' bias affect the debate?

    The panel argued that the moderators were biased towards Kamala Harris, failing to fact-check her false statements and pushing back on Trump's attempts to correct the record. This created an unfair environment for Trump and potentially influenced the audience's perception of the candidates.

  • What were the key takeaways from the focus groups' reactions to the debate?

    Focus groups highlighted concerns about Kamala Harris's lack of concrete policy proposals and her tendency to rely on rhetoric rather than substance. They also expressed a positive view of Trump's economic record and his ability to connect with voters on a personal level.

  • How does the rise of alternative media impact the future of traditional media institutions?

    The panel believes that the rise of alternative media platforms is contributing to the decline of legacy media institutions. The public's loss of trust in traditional media is driving them to seek out alternative sources of information, which could lead to a shift in power dynamics within the media landscape.

  • What are the implications of the media's declining credibility for the upcoming election?

    The panel argues that the media's declining credibility could have a significant impact on the upcoming election. The public's distrust in traditional media could make them more susceptible to misinformation and could lead to a more polarized political environment.

Show Notes

Megyn Kelly is joined by Kmele Foster, Michael Moynihan, and Matt Welch, host of The Fifth Column podcast, to talk about the biased ABC moderators during the presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, examples of ABC's clear failure to be fair, how the debate performance will affect the public's trust in legacy media, how the moderators could have handled the debate more fairly, what Trump could have done to fight back better against the bias, Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris, the over-the-top reaction by Tim Walz and Lawrence O'Donnell, why focus groups on CBS and CNN show voters appear largely unmoved by Harris’ debate performance, the potential disconnect between political commentators and the electorate, the lack of substance by Harris, voters thinking Trump was still stronger on the economy after the debate, VP Harris' fear-mongering about Trump and abortion at the debate, one nurse saying it was "medical misinformation" that went uncorrected, and more.

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ABC's Bias, How Trump Could Have Played it, and Whether the Debate Sways Voters, with The Fifth Column Hosts | Ep. 885

ABC's Bias, How Trump Could Have Played it, and Whether the Debate Sways Voters, with The Fifth Column Hosts | Ep. 885
